Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Social Media Education

Well, in case you haven't heard, social media is all the rave. What, you don't know anything about social media? What is social media? According to Wikipedia (which is in itself a form of social media), "Social media are primarily Internet- and mobile-based tools for sharing and discussing information among human beings....Businesses also refer to social media as user-generated content (UGC)...."

Wikipedia also cites social media software applications including blogs (like this one), microblogs (Twitter), social networks (Facebook and LinkedIn), photo sharing (Flickr).

So, for those of you that are unfamiliar with this new revolution, here is a crash course on some best practices. I have made a list of some of the best articles I have found on the subject (most of them are lists themselves). I hope you find it helpful too.

By the way, these are all from blogs.

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